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Our Members and Trustees


Members are the guardians of the trust’s constitution and they have a similar role to a shareholder of a company limited by shares. They;

  • Are subscribers to the Memorandum of Association (founding members only)

  • Can amend the Articles of Association 

  • Appoint and remove Members

  • Appoint and remove Trustees 

  • Issue direction to Trustees

  • Appoint the trust’s external auditors

  • Change the company’s name, wind up the company


Trustees are both Charity Trustees and Company Directors. Trustees are bound by both charity and company law.  The Board of trustees manages the business of the academy trust and may exercise all the powers of the academy trust.  The Board focuses on the three core functions of governance.

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

Get in touch

Coppice Primary Partnership
Loose Primary School, Loose Road,
Maidstone. ME15 9UW

01622 743549